Environmental Impact Assessment
Groundwork Plus has the expertise and experience to carry out detailed, relevant and cost efficient environmental impact assessments and evaluations. Assessments cover a full and comprehensive range of issues with key issues addressed in detail and subordinate issues addressed to a level appropriate to the nature and extent of the potential impact. To ensure our clients receive the best outcome, Groundwork Plus may seek approval to engage and manage sub-consultants with recognised expertise in specialist issues. This collaborative approach ensures sufficient information is provided to assessment authorities and other interested parties.
Environmental Management Plans
Our plans are tailored to our clients’ requirements and can cover a wide range of issues and activities including:
Site Based Management Plans
Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
Stormwater Management Plans
Receiving Environment Management Plans
Acid Sulfate Soil Management Plans
Air Emission Management Plans
Blasting Management Plans
Bushfire Management Plans
Community Relations Management Plans
Flora and Fauna Management Plans
Landcare Management Plans
Noise Management Plans
Oil, Grease, Fuel and Chemical Storage Management Plans
Rehabilitation Management Plans
Waste Management Plans
Cultural Heritage Management Plans
Site Contamination Management Plans
Visual Amenity Management Plans
Contingency/Emergency Plans and procedures and environmental protocols
Environmental Monitoring and Reporting
Working with accredited scientific laboratories and specialised associated sub-consultants as required, Groundwork Plus provides full analysis of environmental parameters prior to project initiation and throughout the life of a project. Short term or ongoing monitoring and reporting can be carried out for:
Surface water
Data acquisition, management, interpretation and presentation
Environmental Licensing and Approvals
Environmental and site assessments
Environmental value assessments
Environmental authority applications
Vegetation clearing applications
Annual reporting
Environmental legislation navigation and advice
State and local government liaison
Stakeholder engagement
Project management
Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation
Preliminary site investigations
Detailed site investigations
Site Management Plans
Remediation Action Plans
Water and soil sampling and analysis
Site remediation planning and supervision
Liaison with relevant local authorities and government agencies
Environmental Auditing
Environmental audits are used to measure and evaluate an organisation's environmental performance against statutory requirements and/or best practice. The Groundwork Plus team is experienced in conducting audits in a systematic matter to established protocols to identify statutory non-compliance. These audits can also be structured to provide strategies to minimise risk and improve performance or generally assist management in the implementation of improvement works and/or actions and procedures.
Rehabilitation of Disturbed Land
Many resource extraction and industrial projects have the potential to leave a lasting impact on the environment. Both during and at the conclusion of a project the land may require rehabilitation works. The extent of the rehabilitation work will depend on proposed or agreed post extraction land use.
Groundwork Plus specialises in the design and preparation of rehabilitation and landscape plans commensurate with requirements for incorporation into site operational plans or as stand-alone plans.
Acid Sulfate Soil Assessment
Acid Sulfate Soil assessment and reporting
Acid Sulfate Soil management plan preparation
Operational monitoring
Site remediation programs and management in accordance with State legislation, policies and guidelines.
Acid Sulfate Soil assessment program design
Co-ordination and management of drilling programs
Detailed lithological logging and field testing of drill samples
Co-ordination of laboratory testing services
Discussions/negotiations with administering authorities/agencies
Government and Community Liaison
Groundwork Plus is experienced in negotiating win-win solutions. Our extensive track record in the industry and our ability to communicate with all parties in an open and diplomatic way, allow us to achieve appropriate commercial outcomes while also addressing the concern of local landowners, community and government agencies. Our experience covers all aspects of stakeholder liaison including the preparation of presentation material, posters, brochures and project websites.